Hello 👋

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

April has been busy month for PageProofer. A lot of time and energy has been put into some tweaks and adding new content to the main website. A case study was added about how PageProofer can be useful for copyediting on websites. A big thanks to Margaret at Reliance Editorial for answering all our questions.

Take a look at what we added.

Markers 🔥

In order to help people quickly identify the type of tasks they are looking at, the markers (pins) have been updated to visually reflect their status. Feedback gets a star. Todos are an open circle. In Progress are partially filled. Complete get a check mark. Closed are a closed circle.


A small but noticeable tweak. PageProofer no longer needs to close the overlay to take a screenshot. When adding a screenshot the camera icon flashes red to provide a visual cue about what's happening.

Pro Tip 🤓

Clicking on the note counter in the toolbar will open the note filter view. You can filter the notes on the page by status/priority and click on the list item to open a note without clicking on the marker.

Stay Tuned 🤫

We have some exciting features planned to develop and rollout over the next few months. If you have any suggestions of features or changes you would like to see, give us a shout.

Derrick Grigg, Founder

Help Spread The Word

We would love to see PageProofer used by more digital teams and agencies. If you want to help, give us a shout out on social media!

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