Hello 👋

We hope you are staying healthy and safe.

March wrapped up a busy start to 2020 for PageProofer. In addition to rolling out a set of updates we were hard at work on some exciting new integrations.

Take a look at what we added!

Clubhouse 👍

Each webpage you add a PageProofer note on will get created as a story in Clubhouse. As notes are added in PageProofer, they are automatically added to Clubhouse as tasks on their respective story.

Teamwork 🔥

The Teamwork integration creates a page specific task list for each page you add PageProofer notes on. As notes are updated and comments are added, the Teamwork task list items are updated and through the power of webhooks, changes in Teamwork on task list items will be reflected in PageProofer.

Stay Tuned 📺

The next few months are full of uncertainty for individuals and businesses. A lot of us are going through unexpected down time. We're trying to take a glass half full attitude and taking this down time to work on more updates and features to make PageProofer even better. If you have any suggestions of features or changes you would like to see, give us a shout.

Derrick Grigg, Founder

Help Spread The Word

We would love to see PageProofer used by more digital teams and agencies. If you want to help, give us a shout out on social media!

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