The easy way to report bugs on your website!
The biggest hassle in building a beautiful website is dealing with the bugs and tweaks that inevitably pop up. Someone spots a problem, they send an email. One email turns into ten. Pretty soon there's a spreadsheet involved trying to keep track of things.
It gets messy ... fast!
With PageProofer, when you spot a problem on your website, just click on it and report it.
FREE 15 day trial and plans starting at $30/month.
Get StartedIs it really that easy to report bugs on my website?
Absolutely! After you add our small embed script to your website anyone you invite can report a bug. When a problem is spotted on your website, click the PageProofer icon in the lower corner and then click on the element to report the bug. You can attach a file, screenshot or even a video screen recording to help explain the problem.
Once the bug has been reported you can add comments, have a conversation with your team, and assign the issue to someone to get it fixed. The note has a link directly to the page and spot where the bug happened plus all the browser details to make it easier for the developer to fix the issue.
With PageProofer on your website bug reporting and tracking become a piece of cake not a headache 🤯. Checkout the features page to learn more about how you can streamline your team's bug reporting.
“The developers we work with are loving it!”

“My web dev guys love your service - they call it a game changer. :-)”

Easy to add
Simply add the PageProofer code snippet to your website and anyone you invite can start reporting bugs.
Easy to report
Anytime you spot a bug on your website just click and report it. The browser details are automatically added to each note.
Easy to fix
Knowing exactly where the bug happened plus having all the browser details means your team can fix bugs faster.
Takes the guess work out of debugging
On every note, we capture the browser information, screen size and operating system info. You don't need to guess about which environment a bug occurred in or go back and forth with the person who found the bug trying to track down details.
Issues get pinned to a specific element on the web page so the person assigned to fix a bug will know exactly where it happened. With screen recordings you can even attach a video to show them what was happening when the bug occurred.
Our project dashboard lets you assign tasks and manage your QA/development workflow so everyone can stay in the loop. No more managing spreadsheets and emails.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got more questions? Take a look in our help section.
Does it work on responsive websites?
100%. It works in any modern browser on mobile devices, tablets, laptops and desktops.
Do my visitors/users need to install anything?
Nope 👍
Can I use it on a website that needs a password for access?
Yes. It will work on any website, public or private, even behind a firewall.
Can guests leave notes?
You have the option to enable guest feedback so any site visitor can leave feedback without a PageProofer user account.
“Making PageProofer a part of our process has made our project process easier to document and hand off. Projects are more enjoyable to work on, and it has improved our profitability on web projects. A simple tool can make a big difference!”

“PageProofer is a fantastic tool for our development toolbox. It eliminates the need for multiple spreadsheets and pdfs to track change requests, and gives us and our clients one simplified point for feedback creation, tracking, and sign-off.”